Do you want to know your fortune for the day? Let's see what the stars say...

Hello! I'm Lucky (you may also see me referred to as Clover) and welcome to my personal webpage! I'm an artist and indie game dev. I love cute things and exploring horrific concepts in my work. Not all graphics used on this page are mine, but I'd prefer if the graphics made specifically for this page (like the welcome graphic) are not reused. Thank you! The only things I claim ownership to on this page are my own works.
Currently working on developing DARLING. First conceptualized in 2022, and now finally being developed!


It's my birthday! Anyways, I forget if I did anything yesterday, but today I added a visitor counter and a blog section so I can write about whatever.
Worked a lot on my Kristoph Gavin shrine. Currently trying to motivate myself to either work on DARLING's page (or the game itself...) or a wiki type page for one of my characters. Did some revamping to my index's visuals too. I'm not super satisifed with it right now.
I keep forgetting to update this (oops) but I've done a lot. I added a navigation that I'll clean up a bit later, added some new art to DARLING's page, and worked on both my Resident Evil 4 Shrine and my new Kristoph Gavin one so they're both big wips.
Worked on DARLING's page a bit more, and added more stamps. I really need to finish up fortune telling on the main page so it's not the test button that just wipes away the rest of the html.
Added an entire about me section. Currently the actual about me and a "what is the webmaster doing" page are the only parts properly up. I also finally added a warning page for DARLING (despite a download not being up yet).
Added a lot of decorative stuff and alt text for images. I also added an about me section.
Worked on DARLING's page more. I need to add a warning page for it when the download is actually available.
Slowly adding alt text for images.
This entry didn't save (I guess) when I added it, but to summarize from what I remember I added the credits section and a button to link back to this site. I also began work on the games section.
DARLING page is a work in progress. Music has been added, and fortune telling is a work in progress. You can now also sign my guestbook. Tokimeki Memorial graphics archive page was also added.

NOTE: Many graphics on this page link back to where I found them if you click on them!

Main Site
Cloverbell (Assorted Graphics)
Bonnibel's Graphic Collection (Assorted Graphics)

Want to link back to this site?

<a href="https://cloverdoremi.neocities.org/"><img src="[your image address here].png">/a></p>